Adalyn Fyhrie
I am an instrument engineer at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
My work is multi-faceted; one aspect of my job is to run test campaigns and design and build components for developing cubesat instruments. I also test and develop radio frequency (RF) communication systems on cubesats, from component selection to in-lab testing, then support communications and science data on orbit. I have also been upgrading and standardizing our ground station (here in Boulder as well as remotely in Fairbanks, AK) that are used for command and control of all of our cubesat missions.
Prior to this I was a radio frequency (RF) systems and test engineer at Blue Canyon Technologies (BCT).
My work revolved around designing communication systems for cubesats (primarily with BCT components) to achieve customer needs and close communication links with the satellites. I also tested these systems from the ground up: from component-level test to full system test campaigns, proving out the hardware for space flight.
I completed my Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado, Boulder in December of 2019.
My thesis work focused on far-infrared instrumentation for future space-based telescopes, specifically kinetic inductance detectors. I also modeled molecular gas dynamics in the nearby galaxy merger NGC 6240 using the Line Modeling Engine.
I have many science-related interests including outreach and science policy, the details of which you can find on my CV.
Email: adalyn@fyhrie.net